
Antwerp Region

Long Term Rental


  • Top-5 questions

    • To use BKDgo, you need to be at least 23 years old and hold a valid driver's license in category B for a minimum of 3 years. Additionally, you'll need a valid payment method. You can verify your identity in the BKDgo App using an ID with Latin letters. These verifications are a one-time process.

    • Use the BKDgo App to find and reserve an available vehicle for up to ten (10) minutes for free, or longer for a fee. The rental period begins upon confirmation.

    • Nope! There's no deposit required for car sharing with BKDgo.

    • We've got you covered! Check out our video instruction guide right here:

    • During your trip, you can park the vehicle in legal parking lots within Belgium. Parking fees are covered by the client. To end your trip, simply park the vehicle within the designated zone for a vehicle shown in the App.

  • Reservation

    • No, signing up is free.

    • Use the BKDgo App to find and reserve an available vehicle for up to ten (10) minutes for free, or longer for a fee. The rental period begins upon confirmation.

    • BKDgo cannot guarantee the acceptance of reservation requests for specific rental periods.

  • Access to Vehicles

    • Unlocking the vehicle costs €1.

    • Use the BKDgo App to access a vehicle.

    • Inspect the vehicle for damage externally and report any damage immediately to BKDgo.

    • BKDgo may refuse the start of a rental period based on its assessment of damage.

    • Users are liable for any damage not reported during inspections.

  • Vehicle Use

    • Only the user associated with the account used to request the rental period may use the vehicle.

    • Allowing someone else to drive BKDgo vehicle using your account incurs a fine of €300 of more (If the law or traffic rules were violated).

    • No, driving without a valid license results in a fine of €300, with full responsibility. Also, driving without a valid driver's license is punishable under Belgian law. It can result in a prison sentence of 8 days to 2 years and/or a fine of €200 to €2,000 multiplied by 8.

    • No, the rental period must end in the designated zone for each vehicle.

    • Users must drive safely and comply with all laws and regulations. Dangerous driving behaviour may result in account suspension and additional charges.

    • Yes, but make sure you follow the law about how to carry them safely. Use the right child seats or restraints as the law says.

    • Yes, but your pet should be in a secure cage in the back of the car. This keeps everyone safe.

  • Ending a Rental Period and Returning the Vehicle

    • The rental period ends when the user completes it within the designated zone for the vehicle in the App, parks the vehicle legally, and ends the rental period via the App.

    • Ensure the vehicle is securely parked, all windows, lights are turned off, and the vehicle is clean, not damaged and free of personal belongings.

    • We can`t guarantee safe of your personal belongings in a shared vehicle. Personal belongings are responsibility If we find Retrieval of lost goods and storage at BKDgo for up to one month, it costs €50.00.

    • General service costs, such as on-site services like closing windows, are €30.00.

  • Parking

    • Park the vehicle within the designated zone on public roads or in designated private parking areas as indicated in the BKDgo App.

    • Users are responsible for all parking fees, fines, or towing costs resulting from improper parking or parking outside the designated zone.

    • Handling of traffic and parking violations includes a first reminder for free, a second reminder for €25, and offenses against traffic rules with a fee of €150.

    • Repositioning improperly parked vehicles costs €50 + towing costs + any parking ticket fees.

    • Misuse of fuel or parking card incurs a fee of €150 + consumption.

    • Parking the vehicle outside the designated zone incurs a fee of €25 + retrieval costs (if necessary), while moving a car parked incorrectly within the zone costs €50. Relocation fees vary depending on distance.

  • Charging and Refueling

    • Check the remaining range of the vehicle and refuel or recharge it when necessary. BKDgo will reimburse for refueling at partner stations or compensate for refuelling time and price at non-partner stations.

    • You need to return it with at least 35 kilometers of range. If not, you might pay extra for towing, fueling, or recharging. BKDgo won't refund you if the car stops because of low fuel or battery due to your mistake.

    • Full replacement of fuel or battery costs €150 + towing costs.

  • Do and don'ts

    • Users are expressly prohibited from renting the vehicle to third parties, transporting dangerous substances, applying any advertising on the rental vehicle, carrying objects that may cause injury or damage, entering cargo loading areas of ports, stations, and airports, and violating generally applicable laws while using the services or the vehicle.

    • Yes, users must comply with laws regarding the transportation of babies, children, and animals, and are prohibited from overloading the vehicle, towing trailers or other objects, and carrying items that could distract or endanger the driver or passengers.

    • No, please don't eat or drink anything that could spill inside.

    • No, smoking or using e-cigarettes is not allowed in the vehicle.

    • Yes, violation of the smoking ban incurs a fee of €100, in addition to any intervention costs and extra cleaning costs.

    • No, you can't do any repairs or changes to the vehicle, including removing anything attached to it.

    • No, you can't use the car for racing, speed tests, or any kind of challenge. Also, using it for driving lessons, off-road trips, or breaking traffic rules is not allowed.

  • Damage and Repair Costs

      1. Report damage via BKDgo app as soon as possible with a description and photo of the damage.
      2. Prepare a European claim form.
      3. An independent specialist will assess the damage.
      4. Expect an invoice from BKDgo according to you insurance.

    • Administration costs for damage range from €30 to €650, compensation for loss of income due to damage and repair is day tariff of the damaged vehicle /day The price for technical repair is determined by an independent specialist.

    • Various costs apply, such as drying the car due to an open window (€80.00), damaged rim (€130), flat tire (€200), and removing labels, foil, etc. (up to €250.00). Maintenance costs depend on severity and may include towing.

  • Insurance

    • Liability insurance is €5500 + €2500 if another party is involved.

  • Breach of Terms and Conditions

    • Compensation for breach of the general terms and conditions depends on severity, with a minimum of €400.

  • Cleaning Fees

    • Light cleaning due to waste/paper in the car is €100.00, heavy cleaning due to smoking/animals in the car is €300.00, and necessary additional cleaning starts at €60 depending on severity.

  • Key and Card Replacement Fees

    • Inform BKDgo via the App or e-mail as fast as it`s possible. Loss or theft of the key incurs an administration fee of €50 + €350 for key replacement

  • Travel abroad

    • No, you can use BKDgo service only in Belgium. Driving the car in unauthorized countries will lead to fee of €250.

  • Towing and Relocation

    • Towing by a towing company (due to violation of rental terms) starts at €400 depending on severity. Relocation fees vary based on distance and fuel level of the vehicle left by customers.