
Antwerp Region

Long Term Rental

BKD-Expres Privacy Policy

Date of last revision: 27/05/2024

Table of contents

1. Introduction

2. Scope: Who does this Privacy Policy apply to and what does it cover?

3. How do we obtain personal data?

4. What personal data do we collect and process?

5. For what purposes and under what conditions will your data be processed?

6. To whom may we disclose your personal data?

7. How is your personal data protected?

8. Where is your personal data stored?

9. What are your rights?

10. How can you contact us?

11. Changes to this Privacy Policy

12. Third-Party Websites

13. Applicable law and competent courts

1. Introduction

The BKD-Expres website ( (the "Website") and the mobile BKDgo application (the "Application") are owned and operated by BKD-EXPRES BV ("BKD-Expres" or "we"), a vehicle-sharing company, having its registered office at Provinciesteenweg 660, 2530 Boechout, registered in the Antwerp register of legal entities under number 0727.624.417.

BKD-Expres processes your personal data as a data controller, as we determine the purpose and means of the processing activitie

2. Scope: Who does this Privacy Policy apply to and what does it cover?

At BKD-Expres, we do our utmost to protect and process the personal data entrusted to us in a compliant and transparent manner, more specifically in accordance with the applicable legislation, in particular with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 ("GDPR") and the Belgian law of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data ("Privacy Law").

This policy ("Privacy Policy") applies to all individuals whose personal data we process (the "Data Subjects" or "you"), such as customers, visitors to the Website and users of the Application.

Personal data are all data that BKD-Expres can use to identify you as a natural person. With this Privacy Policy, we want to inform you about how and why we, as a data controller, process your personal data when we carry out our activities or when you visit this Website, use the Application or drive a vehicle, to whom we disclose this information, what your rights are and who you can contact for more information.

3. How do we obtain personal data?

We obtain personal data directly from you when you register on the Website or Application and fill in the fields that request personal data, making this data immediately available to BKD-Expres.

We may also obtain your personal data through your use of our services, our Website or our Application or when you contact our customer service.

Finally, some personal data is received from external sources, such as data on traffic violations provided by the police, data on parking fines provided by city services responsible for collecting parking fees, or data on insurance exclusions provided by insurance companies.

4. What personal data do we collect and process?

The personal data we collect may include the following categories of data:

Identification and contact details

When you decide to sign up for our services and create an account, when you work with us, when you purchase one of our packages or gift cards online, when you use our Application or Website, when you send us an email or communicate with our customer service, you provide us with certain individually identifiable information that we collect and process. Such personal information includes your last name, first name, gender, language, date and place of birth, physical address, email address, telephone number, IP address, business details, billing information, driver's license number and photograph thereof, bank account number or other payment details such as credit card number or other payment method numbers, and the expiry date of the card.

Professional data

When you apply for a job at BKD-Expres, we collect personal and professional data such as your CV, employment status, education, training, diplomas, awards, motivation letter, hobbies, interests, financial situation, area of specialization, professional skills, etc.

Selfie photo data

We process the data from your selfie photos as part of our account creation or identity verification process. This involves processing biometric data to help us verify your identity and secure access to your account.

The processing is organized in order to limit the use of the selfie photos to what is strictly necessary for a driving license check and is subject to your prior and explicit consent. The storage of such data is subject to strict security measures and access to it is limited to a limited number of BKD-Expres employees who need it for the performance of their tasks.

The processing of the selfie photo data is used exclusively to prevent fraud, identity theft and unauthorised driving.

Usage data of our vehicles

When you decide to use one of our vehicles, you provide us with certain information about its condition and use. We collect and process this information, which may include, but is not limited to, the type of vehicle you use, the vehicle's mileage, the fuel gauge, the duration of your booking, and the distance you drove the vehicle. This data is personal data because we can identify the user who was driving the car at the time the data was generated.

As far as our shared cars or vans are concerned, BKD-Expres has also implemented a security system that constitutes partially automated processing. This system informs BKD-Expres employees when risk indicators indicate that one of our vehicles is being used dangerously, which entails risks for the driver, but also for other users of the public road. Based on this information and according to internal guidelines defined by BKD-Expres, BKD-Expres may decide to activate the vehicle's 'Safety Mode'. Once the 'Safety Mode' is activated, the user will be prevented from restarting the engine after it has stopped in the parking position. This "Safety Mode" is only activated after several warnings to the user, repeated detection of risk indicators and after human control by a BKD-Express employee.

Risk-related statements

Before you can use our shared cars or vans, BKD-Expres will ask you a number of questions so that the insurance company can assess the risk covered by the insurance policy (e.g. "has your driving licence already been revoked in the past?"). This is judicial data. This data is collected by BKD-Expres in order to comply with its legal obligation under the Royal Decree of 16 April 2018 laying down the terms and conditions of insurance contracts covering compulsory liability in respect of motor vehicles. In addition, the collection of this data is necessary for the execution by BKD-Expres of the insurance contract concluded with the insurance company that covers its vehicles. This data is stored securely and access to it is limited to a limited number of BKD-Expres employees who need it for the performance of their tasks.

Location data

When you decide to use our Application on a mobile device, you may or may not use the geolocation options provided with the mobile phone (it is possible to disable the geolocation option of your mobile phone at any time in your parameters). However, when you decide to reserve one of our vehicles, you must activate this option so that we can locate you in relation to the vehicle, as you must be within a certain distance of the vehicle to be able to unlock it safely. We will only locate you when the Application is open. We also collect the car's mileage before and after use to calculate the price of your trip and we use the car's location data to verify that it is in a zone where it can be locked, to ensure compliance with applicable public parking restrictions, and to know the car's location once the booking is complete, so that we know where our cars are and we can report that the cars are available for other users. Cities that allow BKD-Expres to carry out its activities also request anonymized trip data to collect mobility statistics that can be used to define their further regulatory measures regarding mobility.

5. For what purposes and under what conditions is your data processed?

BKD-Expres (or its processors) collects, uses and processes your data in accordance with the GDPR and the Belgian Privacy Act in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

A. To visit our website

You can visit our website and learn more about our services without having to provide us with any personal data.

However, the use of certain cookies is necessary in order to be able to view our website. You can find more information about this in our Cookie Policy.

B. To communicate with you

Categories of data: We process your identification and contact data.

Purpose: We process this data when you contact us via the chat system on our website, by e-mail or in any other way, in order to communicate with you and answer your questions.

Legal basis: The processing of this data is necessary to answer your questions and provide the requested service. This data is therefore essential for the performance of our contract or pre-contractual measures. Without this data, we cannot carry out our mission.

Retention period: Your data will be kept for 6 years from the last contact if these interactions did not lead to a contract/creation of an account on the application.

Recipients: The data may be processed on our instructions by our processors listed in point 6 below, including our ticketing and emailing service providers.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

C. To provide access to our service and create an account on our Application

Categories of data: We process your identification, contact details, language, date of birth, bank details, login details, one-time password received via SMS, IP address, device type and operating system version.

After registration, BKD-Expres processes your data, such as identification data, contact details and location data, to enable you to lock/unlock a vehicle, to calculate the cost of the services that BKD-Expres provides to you, to process vehicle reservations and to enable the use of our vehicles via our Application.

Purpose: Creating an account on our Application allows you to access and benefit from our car rental services.

Legal basis: The processing of this data is necessary for the provision of the requested service. This data is therefore essential for the performance of our contract. Without this data, we cannot carry out our mission.

Retention period: Your data will be kept for 10 years from the last connection to our Application, for tax and accounting purposes and also for liability reasons.

Recipients: Data may be processed on our instructions by our processors listed in point 6 below, including our hosting provider, customer relationship management program provider, payment processing solution, ticketing provider or emailing provider.

In the event that you are involved in or are the victim of a traffic accident or violation while using a BKD-Express car, all information requested by our insurance partner(s) to handle any claim will be shared with them.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

D. To ensure compliance with legal requirements for access to the Service

D.1. To ensure that you are of age to use our services and have a driver's license if necessary

Categories of personal data: we process your identification and contact details, language, your date of birth and/or a photo of your driving licence.

Purpose: If you want to use our car rental service, you must have a valid driver's license.

We process your personal data to ensure that you comply with the legal conditions applicable to the service you are using.

Legal basis: The processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which BKD-Expres is subject.

Article 18, 2° of the Royal Decree of 23 March 1998 on driving licences provides that the minimum age for a driving licence is 18 years for categories A1, B, B+E, C1 and C1+E.

Article 21 of the Law of 16 March 1968 on the police on road traffic stipulates that no one may drive a (motor vehicle) on public roads unless he or she is in possession of a driving licence. In addition, Article 32 of the same law penalizes anyone who knowingly entrusts a motor vehicle to a person without a driver's license with a fine of up to 1,000 euros.

The operating licences granted by the cities in which BKD-Expres operates also oblige BKD-Expres to monitor compliance with the conditions for access to services.

Retention period: Your data will be kept for 10 years from your last connection to our Application, for tax and accounting purposes and also for liability reasons.

Recipients: Data may be processed on our instructions by our processors mentioned in point 6 below, including our hosting infrastructure and our service provider for the identification and validation of driving licences.

This data may be passed on to our insurance company for audits and compliance checks by the insurance company.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

D.2. To verify your identity (as a driver's license holder, if applicable)

Categories of data: We process your identification and contact data, as well as a photo of your driver's license and selfie photos of yourself to verify your identity. For that purpose, we may process biometric data (selfie photos), subject to your prior express consent, in order to verify the identity of any natural person who wishes to use our services that require a valid driver's license.

Purpose: If you want to use our car rental service, we will process your data to verify that you are in possession of a driver's license. This verification can be done in a variety of ways.

Legal basis: The processing of your data is based on your express consent (Art. 6, §1, a) and 9, §§ 1 and 2, a) GDPR).

When creating an account and only if you give explicit consent to this specific processing, you will be asked to take a photo of your driver's license and some selfie photos of yourself.

In case of doubt about the identity of the person using a particular account, the person using a particular account may also be asked for additional selfies before he or she can use the services of BKD-Expres (e.g. driving a vehicle that requires a driver's license) to ensure that it is indeed the person who registered the account and who now wants the account use.

If you have given explicit consent to the processing of your biometric data, you can withdraw this consent immediately at any time by sending an email to

Retention period: In all cases, the selfie photos will be kept for one year after the verification of your identity. If the selfie photos are deleted and a new ID check is required, new selfie photos will be requested and compared with the driver's license.

Recipients: Data may be processed on our instructions by our processors listed in point 6 below, including our hosting provider.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

E. To prevent the use of the service by unwanted users

Categories of data: We process your identification and contact details to prevent an account from being created by an unwanted user.

Purpose: We process your data in order to check that you comply with our general terms and conditions (i.e. the contract that exists between you and BKD-Expres), in particular about the various prohibitions on the use of our vehicles that are in force.

Indeed, BKD-Expres may prohibit a former user from renting its vehicles or creating a new account on the Application after his or her former account has been terminated by BKD-Expres for one of the following reasons: payment incidents; Road accidents; repeated damage or rudeness to our employees; fraudulent use of the Service; use of our vehicles in violation of the general rental conditions.

Legal basis: The processing of this data is based on the legitimate interest of BKD-Expres to prevent fraudulent use of our service, to protect our own rights, employees and our fleet so that we can continue to offer our service to users who comply with the rules.

Your interests and fundamental rights do not override our legitimate interests. However, you can always exercise your right to object (cf. section 9 below of this Privacy Policy), at any time and free of charge, if you believe that your rights outweigh our legitimate interests.

Retention period: Your data will be kept for as long as you lose access to the services of BKD-Expres, i.e.:

  • 8 months in case of risk indicators that the Safety Mode does not activate;
  • 1 year in case of risk indicators and that activates the threshold of the Safety Mode;
  • 3 years in the event of an at-fault accident;
  • 5 years in case of total loss due to fault or in case of fraud.

In the event of a dispute, this data will be kept until the end of the dispute.

In any case, the selfie photos will be kept for 1 year after your identity has been verified. If the selfie photos are deleted and identity verification is required, the new selfie will be compared to the driver's license.

Recipients: The data may be processed on our instructions by our processors mentioned in point 6 below, including our hosting provider, email provider, ticketing provider, provider of customer relationship management programs, provider of driver's license identification and validation services.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

F. To meet the requirements of legally required insurance

Categories of data: We process your identification and contact data, photo of your driving licence and your risk-related declarations about revocation of the driving licence or conviction for dangerous driving when creating an account, which are legal data.

Our insurance requires information such as a copy of your driver's license and information about possible revocation of such a driver's license in the past (court records).

This data is collected in order to provide you with insurance coverage, as required by law, when you drive BKD-Expres vehicles as required by law and the terms of the insurance contract.

Purpose: The purpose of the processing is for BKD-Expres to be able to take out insurance for its entire fleet, which is a legal obligation and also a contractual obligation imposed on BKD-Expres by its insurance company.

Legal basis: The processing of the driver's license is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which BKD-Expres is subject. The law of 21 November 1968 requires all vehicles to be insured. As the owner, BKD-Expres is obliged to insure its cars. The insurance companies need this information to cover the personal liability of the driver of the BKD-Expres vehicle, as required by law.

BKD-Expres must therefore collect this information and pass it on to the insurance company that insures the car, in order to comply with the law on compulsory car insurance.

BKD-Expres is also required by law to collect information to assess the risk covered by the insurance policy (e.g. "has your driver's license already been revoked in the past?"). This is judicial data. This data is collected by BKD-Expres in order to comply with its legal obligation under the Royal Decree of 16 April 2018 laying down the terms and conditions of the insurance contracts covering the mandatory liability for motor vehicles. In addition, the collection of this data is necessary for the execution by BKD-Expres of the insurance contract concluded with the insurance company covering its vehicles. Article 1.1 of the contract obliges BKD-Expres to ask these questions.

Retention period: Your data will be kept for 10 years from your last connection to our Application, for tax and accounting purposes and also for liability reasons.

Recipients: Data may be processed on our instructions by our processors listed in point 6 below, including our hosting infrastructure, e-mailing service provider and ticketing provider.

Data may also be shared with the insurance company for risk assessment and audit/control purposes.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

G. To manage our contractual relationship

Categories of data: We process your identification and contact data, as well as your billing and location data.

Purpose: Your data will be used for billing and retrieval purposes, or to notify you of changes to the contract or current data protection policy (including new purposes).

Legal basis: The processing of this data is necessary for the provision of the requested service. This data is therefore essential for the performance of our contract. Without this data, we cannot carry out our mission.

Retention period: Your data will be kept for 10 years from your last connection to our Application, for tax and accounting purposes and also for liability reasons.

Recipients: The data may be processed on our instructions by our processors listed in point 6 below, including our hosting provider, customer relationship management program provider, payment processing solution, email service provider, ticketing provider, accounting solution and collection solution.

The data will be passed on to the tax authorities and to our accountant. They may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

H. To promote our services

Categories of data: We process your contact details (e-mail address) and data relating to the use of our Application and/or Website.

Purpose: We process this data to keep you informed about the services of BKD-Expres and to keep you informed of our features, services and news. Legal basis: The processing of your personal data for the purpose of distributing our newsletter and our marketing activities is based on our legitimate interests (and in part, we believe, on the interests of the user). In this way, the user can stay informed about upcoming events, products and services of BKD-Expres and about the improvements we are implementing.

Retention period: We will retain your contact information for this purpose until you ask us to stop using it, but no longer than five (5) years after the last interaction with BKD-Express.

You can let us know at any time that you no longer wish to receive advertisements or newsletters. Just send us an email to or click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any electronic communication we send you for this purpose.

Recipients: Data may be processed on our instructions by our processors listed in point 6 below, including our hosting provider, customer relationship management program provider, email mailing service provider, analytics solutions and the creators of feedback forms.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

I. Enabling you to exercise your rights

Categories of data: We process your surname, first name, request, proof of action taken by BKD-Expres in response to the request.

Purposes: When you exercise the rights granted to you by the GDPR and described in this Data Protection Policy (right of access, rectification, etc.), we retain the data that is strictly necessary to prove that we have indeed taken useful action.

Legal basis: The retention of this data arises from the legal obligation imposed by Article 5.2 of the GDPR, namely accountability.

Retention period: Your data will be kept for as long as we could be liable for non-compliance with requests, i.e. a maximum of 10 years after the last interaction with BKD-Expres.

Recipients: This data will not be passed on to recipients other than the data protection authority and our hosting provider, e-mailing provider and ticketing provider.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

J. To manage our social network accounts

Categories of data: We may process data associated with your account, data associated with sharing content, or with your interactions with other people.

Purposes: The data you provide when you visit our accounts on social networks are or may be processed jointly by the provider of the social network and BKD-Expres for the following purposes:

  • the collection of certain data with the help of cookies;
  • Obtaining statistics about the page's audience.

Legal basis: This data is only processed by BKD-Expres in the context of its legitimate interest in obtaining statistics on visitors to its page, in order to promote its page in the right way. The audience statistics compiled by the social network are only transmitted to BKD-Expres in anonymised form.

Retention period: This data is or may be processed for as long as our accounts exist on the social network and for as long as you visit the network.

Recipients: This data may be processed by the social networks used by BKD-Expres and may be processed on our instructions by our processors mentioned in point 6 below, including our hosting provider and analytical solutions.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

K. To apply for a job at BKD-Expres

Categories of data: We process your identification and contact details as well as your professional data.

Purpose: If you spontaneously send us a job application or respond to a job offer from BKD-Expres, your data will be processed at your request in order to assess the possibility of a contractual relationship.

Legal basis: The processing is necessary to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.

Retention period: The data you provide to us in the context of an application will be deleted within 6 months after the end of the selection procedure.

Recipients: The data may be processed on our instructions by our processors referred to in point 6 below, including our recruitment services and headhunters, candidate application management.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

L. To comply with legal obligations and requests from authorities

Categories of data: We process your identification data and data relating to your use of the BKD-Expres services (trip date and time, start and end point).

Purpose: In the event that BKD-Expres receives a request from the police services or other law enforcement agencies and when this request is lawful (e.g. with regard to violations of traffic law or violations committed with our vehicles), your personal data will be shared with the relevant police services or law enforcement agencies.

We may also process your data in order to comply with the law, to complete all legally required paperwork in each country/region where you or BKD-Expres operate.

Legal basis: The processing is necessary for BKD-Expres to comply with a legal obligation, including the obligation provided for in Article 67ter of the Act of 16 March 1968 on the police on road traffic.

Retention period: We will retain your data for as long as we can be held liable for failure to comply with requests, i.e. up to 10 years.

Recipients: Data may, on our instructions, be processed by our processors mentioned in point 6 below, including our hosting and email service provider.

The data may also be shared with the police and other public authorities in charge of enforcing the rules governing the use of a vehicle on public roads.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

M. Risk management and to promote safe driving practices

Categories of data: We process your identification data, but also data on the condition of the vehicle, location data and data on the risks identified during your trip.

Purpose: We process personal data such as your identification data and the risk indicators detected during your use of BKD-Expres's vehicle in order to prevent possible accidents (excessive speed, abrupt change of direction, etc.) and the implementation of the "Safety Mode" (if relevant). The "Safety Mode" is a partially automated security system that informs BKD-Expres when vehicle parameters highlight specific risk indicators during a journey. Based on this information, a BKD-Expres employee can decide to activate the Safety Mode, which blocks the further use of a vehicle as soon as the vehicle is parked and the engine is switched off.

Legal basis: The processing is necessary for the purposes of BKD-Expres' legitimate interest in preventing damage to its property, but in the first place to protect the physical integrity of drivers, passengers and all road users and to reduce the number of accidents, and to comply with the obligation to take action to promote safe driving by users (permit agreements with the cities in which BKD-Expres operates).

Retention period: If Safety Mode is not activated, the data relating to the user's driving behaviour will be deleted 12 months after the end of the driving session.

However, the data will be kept for as long as a restriction applies to your access to the services of BKD-Expres, i.e. at least:

  • 8 months in case of risk indicators that the Safety Mode did not activate;
  • 1 year in case of risk indicators where the Safety Mode is activated;
  • 3 years in the event of an accident due to fault;
  • 5 years in the event of a total loss due to fault or in the event of fraud.

In the event of a dispute, this data will be kept until the end of the dispute.

Recipients: The data may be processed on our instructions by our processors listed in point 6 below, including our hosting provider, customer relationship management program provider, email provider and ticketing provider.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

N. To improve our services

Categories of data: We process data relating to your use of our Application and our Services, including statistical information about the location of users who have accessed the Application but have not completed a booking.

When you decide to provide us with more information in the form of a survey or use one of our services, you provide us with valuable data. This data is processed in aggregated form and remains anonymous (e.g. how many trips are made by users between different cities and not which user makes these trips). This processing helps us to better understand the needs of our users and to improve our services.

Purpose: The processing of statistical information about the use of our Application and services allows us to improve our services.

For example, by analyzing the locations where users access the Application but do not complete their order, we can identify where there may be unmet demand for vehicles. However, such data is obtained by BKD-Expres in anonymised form and solely for statistical purposes.

Legal basis: This processing is justified by the legitimate interest of BKD-Expres to improve the efficiency of its services. The data subject shall be informed of this processing and may object to such processing.

Retention period: Statistical data is only stored in anonymised form. There is no specific retention period.

Recipients: The data may be processed on our instructions by our processors mentioned in point 6 below, including our hosting provider, our analytics solution provider and our feedback form creator.

The data may also be passed on to our lawyer and/or bailiff in the event of a dispute.

6. To whom may we disclose your personal data?

Your data may be processed by:

  • Our Hosting Provider
  • our IT service provider and App developers
  • our Fleet control provider
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Our Accounting Solution Provider
  • Our debt collection solution provider
  • Our Driver's License Identification and Validation Provider
  • Our e-mail service provider
  • Customer ticketing services
  • Our recruitment services and headhunters
  • Our application management for candidates
  • Our Analytics Solution Provider
  • Our Feedback Form Builders

These IT service providers process the data for purposes that are strictly necessary to comply with the instructions we send them. They act as processors in this regard. In order to ensure optimal protection of our Clients' personal data, we have entered into the necessary contractual arrangements with the aforementioned data processors to ensure that they apply the highest privacy standards. In any case, the data processors are obliged to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data. For this reason, a data processing agreement is systematically signed in accordance with Article 28 of the GDPR.

A processor is the natural or legal person who, at the request and on behalf of the controller, processes your personal data. The processor is obliged to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. The processor always acts on the instructions of the controller.

We may also transfer your personal data to other third parties who process it for their own purposes (as separate controllers of BKD-Expres, such as:

  • our lawyers and bailiffs, in defending our rights (in particular in the event of a dispute);
  • insurance companies that cover the use of vehicles provided by BKD-Expres;
  • the police and other relevant government agencies, in the event of a request regarding possible violations committed in connection with the use of vehicles made available by BKD-Expres.
7. How is your personal data protected?

BKD-Expres protects the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data. We use a variety of technological, organizational, contractual, and procedural safeguards to protect your personal information from loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction, including encryption and logical and physical access control measures.

8. Where is your personal data stored?

Your data is primarily stored on servers located in the European Economic Area and the United States.

If necessary, your data may be transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area in certain circumstances. In such cases, we will ensure that recipients are required to comply with the same data protection standards as in the EU through standard contractual clauses as issued by the European Commission, with additional security measures where necessary.

9. What are your rights?

You have various rights in relation to the personal data we process. In particular, you have the right to:

Right to information: you have the right to obtain information about the processing of your personal data. Thus, you have the right to know the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the categories of recipients to whom the personal data are transmitted, the criteria used to determine the data retention period and the rights you can exercise over your personal data. This right is exercised through this document. If the data processed also includes the data of your staff, you undertake to inform them of this document;

Right of access: you have the right to access your personal data and receive a copy of it;

Right to rectification: you have the right to ask us to update or correct your personal data, if you believe it is inaccurate or incomplete;

Right to erasure: you have the right to ask us to erase your personal data, or to restrict the way we use this data, if you demonstrate that we do not have or no longer have a legal basis to process this data;

Right to withdraw your consent: you have the right to withdraw your consent in relation to the processing of your personal data based on this consent (to the extent that the processing is based on your consent);

Right to data portability: you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit it to another party;

Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of personal data for which we rely as a legal basis, unless we have overriding legitimate grounds for the processing.

Right to restriction: You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances listed in Article 18 of the GDPR.

For more information about your rights:

You can exercise your rights by sending an e-mail to

If you believe that BKD-Expres has not acted in accordance with the legislation on the processing of personal data, you can also file a complaint with the Belgian Data Protection Authority (Data Protection Authority, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, +32 (0)2 274 48 00, :

10. How can you contact us?

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

by e-mail:;

by letter: BKD-Expres BV, Provinciesteenweg 660, 2530 Boechout, Belgium.

11. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. To keep you informed of the latest change to this Privacy Policy, we will update the revision date each time it is amended. The amended Privacy Policy will take effect from that date.

Please check this page regularly to stay informed of changes and/or additions.

We will also proactively inform you of important changes to the Privacy Policy, either by email or via a pop-up on our Application and on our Website.

12. Third-Party Websites

Our website contains hyperlinks to third-party websites and information about them. We have no control over these sites and are not responsible for their privacy policies, which we invite you to consult.

13. Applicable law and competent courts

This Privacy Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Belgian law, which shall apply exclusively to all possible disputes.

In the event of a dispute, the parties will try to resolve the dispute amicably. If the dispute cannot be resolved amicably, the Belgian courts, competent for either the place of residence of the person concerned or the courts of Brussels, will have jurisdiction.